You were quoted today before communion. ❤️❤️

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Placing Attention

As the weather is changing

and the light is changing

and the birds at the feeder

in the yard are changing,

as the leaders are changing

and the feelings are changing

and the way that we see

each other is changing,

I notice the invitation to turn

toward the truth

of what does not change—

something so vast, so unnamable,

so unable to be grasped and held,

something so present

there is no life without it,

that knows itself

through you, through me,

through clover and tree and cloud

and goes on and on and on forever.

That. I turn again and again

toward that.

—Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

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Not there yet

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Your leadership and encouragement to forge ahead with life and love is always appreciated.

Providing a safe place to take a breath is also treasured.

Thank you.

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Thank you, Carrie. Somehow we have to hold ourselves, our communities and our fragile democracy together. Words of encouragement help.

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I know what I can do alone: notice my feet touching the floor in the morning, offer myself nourishing food, words - from myself and others- that are honest and true, touch the tender spit in my heart, the bodhichitta- through the day. But everything on this list is possible because of others, from the decades of being raised and held by compassionate souls. Beloved communities will continue to be my refuse. And even more than in the past, I will be discerning and wise about how I spend my time, whether in person, online, on a book’s pages, in front of any screen. I will get to know myself more deeply, love myself without harsh judgment, and do what I can do.

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Yes! We do know how to do this! We were made for this time. We just need to trust and take the next step in love. Always love.

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We Reap what we sow, just like the rewards of all the care and nurturing that we devote to the seedlings and young sprouts or the perrenials that become more glorious with each passing season

Sow the seeds of kindness,compassion, empathy and especially patience, because some things take more time and the soul lessons don't come as easily for some.

I heard the Byrd's song playing om my car radio the other night with their lyrics of To everything under heaven, there is a season. Seems the lessons of this particular very harsh season is about transmuting the hatred used to manipulate vulnerable souls and pitting them against the very ones endeavoring to bring more joy and Light throughout this war torn world. We have a momentous opportunity to teach by example by Not accepting or allowing them to bring us down into their darkness and chaos.

We can turn ,turn,turn,this season of stagnation into one of bountiful and expansive love by walking our own talk, like one of my all time heroes, Mr.Jimmy Carter. He never stopped being of service to others and lived his truth as the honorable humanitarian who chose the higher road even when they were gaslighting and persecuting him because he was not the War Hawk others wanted him to become.

I decided the day after this devastating election that 4 more years of being force fed more of poisonous lies we have been inundated with was just too soul crushing for me to give even one more minute of my time to. After spending 71 years on this planet and seeing presidents come and go,I know what really matters to me and politics is not high up on my list anymore. Yes,I am very aware it's really a battle between the Light and the Darkest being played out through our country's evolving changes ,and what I believe is the last battle of a dying stronghold of the Old Guard of patriarchal tyranny. Of Course it will be much worse and extremely cruel as it tries to keep its death grip in place. I also believe in all my heart that it will expire in its own self destruction. Our mission is to stick together and Be Love ,Not Hate,just like I leaned into during the 60's when Nixon was tearing this country apart and Vietnam was taking our youth to fight a rich man's war. Somethings haven't changed thst much,or become so huge,and loud, they can't be ignored anymore.

While I may chose to Not pay attention to that loud abrasive noise in the White House, I will be chosing to endeavor leaving the world a little better by sowing loving kindness and seeking joy in watching the seeds I plant take root and grow.

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Thank you. Your words so often speak comfort and courage to my soul. So just…thank you.

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Yes, we do know...may we do it in love. And it is so good to have connections with others who want to lean into love, and plant seeds.

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We know...and we will also need each other to remember because we will forget. And we will also need rest, and grounding and grief to help us find our way back to doing the next right thing. And so hopefully we know that it's ok to not know sometimes... but we're not alone in this.

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I suppose it is a radical act of joy, to imagine the seeds we are planting today that will sustain us tomorrow. I like this thought.

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You're right, Carrie! Thank you for the reminder. We will find our way to do this and to rise above it. It's frightening for many reasons. This is a time like none of us have experienced. The encouragement from one another and taking courage and hope in love is what we must rest into. It's hard to allow myself to grieve while moving forward positively - it's quite a balancing act, like tending the garden so the seeds can grow when the time is right. Watch comedy, read a novel that takes me into another world for awhile, listen to music that bolsters my spirit - "You Can Do This Hard Thing", "Women Holding Hands" etc. etc. etc. :-). But, most of all, for now, while I can, the exercise for my soul and spirit is to focus and practice love in all the ways that each day provides. By living in the moment I'm avoiding panic in anticipation, honor my current emotions, and hope it prepares me to know what to do as our world shifts.

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Yes! We do know how to do this. So many here have been leaning into love believing that Love is stronger than hate; faith is stronger than despair. We have each other- we know what matters most. Thank you for your timely, kind reminder of this. Mother nature keeps turning out abundance everywhere- I loved the photo included with this reflection. Thank you for gathering us here.

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I was appreciating Carrie's reminder that we know how to do this. I was smiling at her veggie bouquet. And then...I heard on a podcast & saw in article about the misogyny in the so-called "manosphere," about delight in restricting women's rights, about "your body, my choice" claims... And damn if I'm not having trouble breathing again! Do I know how to do THIS? Do I?

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I'm with you, Mitzi. And, I say, yes. We begin again and again and again with love and dignity. As Carrie sings "you can do this hard thing...."

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Thanks Linda. I appreciate your words. I needed an emotional health break after reading the article so I watched part of Frozen 2. :) If you’ve seen it then you know that “don’t look too far ahead or you’ll get overwhelmed. Just do the next right thing” is part of the story. Between that and your reminder that “we can do this hard thing,” I’m breathing better. Though I’m also very aware that what lies ahead certainly appears overwhelming. Sigh.

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emotional health break is so very good. How else/ what else can you do for a needed break. I say this to me - as well as you - have a plan. Be aware of how/when to implement the plan. For me that means staying away from the news & Facebook and conversations with toxic people. Setting boundaries. Stay in the now. Look for beauty. truth. goodness. Three things you're grateful for each day. Make your own list. you. me. we are all going to be OK. Peace and all good to you this day.

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Peace and all good back to you!

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Agree with all that with a caveat

The new government of which will all be new members etc except the the leader who we have seen before.Sadly he is spiteful,and quite vengeful.If you believe some of the diagnosis of his actual mental acuity,is just not scary but sad .He hasn't even taken the oath ( on a book he sold for profit)yet.And so many are worried.

My humble opinion as you also have said is; by the actual amount of total voters who voted technically he got a third of the vote.So we the people still have the power ,strength and love etc but we need the third who sat on their hands thinking it didn't matter to vote,or their selfish bigotry perhaps preventing a vote for a woman ( again).To convince them they matter and our side has more compassion, common decency,than the newly elected?


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