In the past few days, I’ve heard many people say, “I don’t know how to do this, my grief is too deep and my anger has me unfocused.”
The thought I share today is that we know how to do this.
We know how to be strong.
We know how to be true.
We know how to love.
We know how to lean into what matters most.
All the details are still uncertain… But we know how to do this, we have been leaning into love for a long time and that has not changed.
Be of courage my dearest and know that we are still many and we are great with love.
This photo is of the faithful harvest that was gathered from my friend’s beautiful garden on Friday. Today I helped to plant garlic, because the good seeds we plant today, will come up in the spring.
We can do this hard thing! We are stronger together! Just like your bouquet of vegetables we nourish each other. Thank you!
Yes, we know. It was Henry vanDyke just about a hundred years ago who wrote that "Work is love made visible ". He also wrote the lyrics of "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" and The
Footpath of Peace ".
We don’t know just what atrocities we will contend with. Of course, we never knew or can know what the future holds. We feel certain that our Federal Government will harm our people, particularly those who are most vulnerable.
We must not waste our energy on worrying.
We will do the daily work of love, the work of compassion. Such is our calling, our duty. And we will not pretend that wrong is okay.
Clearly we have not yet overcome. Nevertheless, we shall be true and we shall overcome.