Staying present in my life. It's a gorgeous day!

I drop a stone into the river...

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Staying present in my life.

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From the writings of E.B. White.

A few years after the death of his wife, he wrote an essay on her love of gardening. Every year in the Fall, when it came time to plant, she would plan carefully, putting in her orders to seed catalogues, and created a new diagram for each year’s planting. In her latter years, after she became ill, and nearly an invalid, she would still make her way to the garden to plant….

Armed with a diagram and a clipboard, Katharine would get into a shabby old Brooks raincoat much too long for her, put on a little wool hat, put on a pair of overshoes, and proceed to the director’s chair—a folding canvas thing—that had been placed for her at the edge of the plot.

There she would sit, hour after hour, in the wind and the weather, while her helper produced dozens of brown paper packages of new bulbs and a basketful of old ones, ready for intricate interment.

As the years went by and age overtook her, there was something comical yet touching in her bedraggled appearance on this awesome occasion—the small hunched over figure, her studied absorption in the implausible notion that there would be yet another spring, oblivious to the ending of her own days, which she knew perfectly well was near at hand, sitting there with her detailed chart under those dark skies in the dying October, calmly plotting the resurrection.

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As I continued on with each task the day brought on Wednesday. My son called to check on me which was sweet then asked me to research our Irish ancestry so we could all get EU citizenship. I laughed. We both did when I reminded him my ancestry comes from Northern Ireland.Serving at the local food pantry the next day gave me the gifts of great joy, compassion and humility. So I take a break from the news and visit an elderly friend, 99 years young. This too gave me much need perspective. We can learn more about loving others and continue to do the hard things.

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Your post, your voice, this community, in this moment is my amen. Thank you!

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Unable to even think straight this week as to what small things I might do, for myself or anyone else, opportunities quietly began coming to me. A text from my local blood center asking for a donation of whole blood? Appointment made for Monday. An email from my church saying that no one had yet volunteered to bring the altar flowers for Sunday? Flowers purchased, arranged, and ready to bring some beauty to the sanctuary tomorrow. And though no one asked, I know we always need more goodies for the coffee hour, so right now my house is fragrant with the smell of baking going on. Grateful for these very grounding activities that not only are a contribution to others, but are helping me start to center myself a bit.

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I continue to listen to music. My pandora app has a Carrie Newcomer radio channel that plays her songs and others of similar genre. We need to nurture our spirits and I do believe music helps. This is all a horrible struggle. Evil has temporarily won...and may stay in "power" for many years...probably beyond the end of my lifetime. But we start the recover/resistance now. Someday maybe women will be above subhuman.

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All of this - deep thanks!

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It will not surprise you, Carrie, that I have been turning to music. Your song Stones in the River, Shine On from Rani Arbo & daisy mayhem, Walk the Road fro Cathie Ryan, and Go and Do the Same from Claire Lynch are proving especially helpful.

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Carrie, Thanks so much for these helpful hints of hope. We are in the inevitable position of fighting, waiting, seeking for justice of our political system. There is one hopeful truth that life will bring on it's own. This I know from personal experience and observation. When I was caught up in my addiction, I lied almost everyday. I came to realize that my lies eventually led to my trap. I know with utmost certainty this will happen to Trump and his allies. One can't lie without eventually consequences catching up. He has built his life on it and although it's extremely disappointing that so many believe him, a new day is coming. 2 Peter 1: 19-20

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Thank you Carrie! Your song Sanctuary popped up on my YouTube feed and I sent it to other dear friends and shared it on my fb page. But then I remembered your We Can Do This Hard Thing which often comes to mind, to tell you truth, and I sent and shared your video of that song, too.

Like millions of others I've been struggling to find the inspiration I've needed to minister to others while also feeling my own grief. Thank God your music found me again!!

Also, those days I spent with my friends Myriam and Randy in AZ while listening to you and Parker Palmer have come to mind several times this past week. I think God is reminding me that there are very special people in the fight for justice already and who will continue to do so...I had the please of having dinner with you at Randy's church. Thank you for helping to be a balm of healing and hope in these dark times to many of us pastors. And thank you for your latest post, too. Good reminders of simple and yet important things we can do: breath, wall, be in nature, plant... Thank you so much.

Liz Aguilar

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You always know what to say. Thank you for creating this community that is a safe space and always uplifting. Thank you, also, for the reminder that we can take action now by donating to worthy causes such as the ACLU and American Library Assn. It feels good to know there is something we can do now, (and then to get busy so something like this doesn't happen in the future!). Best wishes to all!

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Carrie, you get the pain so many of us are feeling. Grief. Shock. Fear. Embarrassment at our choice of leader. Your writing - and your songs - always comfort me. (I listen to you all day long while I'm working from home.) No matter how many leaders in the Old Testament did "evil in the eyes of the Lord," God was still in control. Those of us who choose to can keep going, spreading love, doing kindnesses, and planting seeds (both literal and figurative!) of hope. Thank you for helping me in the last few days!

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Thank you... thank you.

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Smile and keep pushing for what is right. GOD is walking with you. You know that.

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