Hi Carrie! Long time no see (and no hear too). With a little luck I'll be at the Old Town School Sunday!

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See you at the Old Town School on Sunday. Bringing family to introduce them to you and your beautiful music.

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Carrie I am looking so forward to seeing you in Ann Arbor on Saturday! I hope to meet up with you and say hi this time.

You have helped me through so many challenges in my life with your music, poetry, workshops etc. I am so eternally grateful to you for what a wonderful person you are!!

(P.S I might even bring my guitar too if you are willing to sign it)

See you Saturday!!

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Wish I could attend .... come to Maryland somewhere ❤️

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Hi Carrie!

Barry and I are attending the show at Old Town School of Folk Music this Sunday evening!

We have missed hearing and seeing youfor too many years.

It was time!!!

Hope to say "HI" in person following the concert.

Your Beth Friend and Buddy Barry.


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Wonderful!!! I’m so glad you’ll be at the OTS show! Yes, let’s be sure to connect after the show my friend.

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Fantastic concert tonight, Carrie (and Gary!)....We were up high in the nosebleed section.

Sorry we didn't see you two after.

Heading back to our City Suites space for the night.

Hope to see you again "down the road" sometime in the future.


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I do appreciate you and your beautiful music. I follow politics entirely too closely and it’s killing me. But I can come here and be renewed. I listen to your music all the time. I’m grateful you’re still doing it. I’m still nervous about large indoor crowds. And miss live music.

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I know these are such changing and challenging times my friend. I am careful about now much commercial news I take into my heart. Even the headlines can be overwhelming. But there is news of the heart here…one of the things i am ever grateful for is that I travel to so many communities where people care, are basically kind and decent to one another and are trying within their own sphere of influence to make the world better. I don’t have to just believe they are out there, I get to see it close up and personal. If I were just reading the news, I would be harder to really sense that. But you can trust me when I say, you are not alone in your concerns, and there are others out there doing what they can to heal what feels so broken. Right here in the gathering of spirit community people post such thoughtful things. Hang in there my friend. All is not lost, love still happens everywhere.

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Thank you Carrie ❤️. I’m looking forward to your new work so much!! Many blessings to you 💐

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