Beautiful words. I appreciate when we acknowledge the bravery it takes to get help with mental health. This post called to be read while humming your song Stones in the River.
So beautifully said Lisa! Thank you for your thoughts here. I believe the more we understand how we are connected the more we are able to find a more loving and effective way forward. Like you, I really sense the importance of lifting up that we all have gifts and passions, and every act of love and kindness deeply matters. Thanks again Lisa. I always so appreciate your posts
This is so well done Carrie. Thank you for these thoughts. We often talk about the interconnectedness of all things. Balance in ecosystems between plants, insects, animals, predators etc is so crucial to keep things healthy. It should not be a surprise that the problems we face are interconnected as well. So kudos for every person who is doing something to try to make the world better. Food insecurity, trafficking, global warming, racism, poverty, pollution...they are all connected to each other. So I am grateful for each person who is a node on the web. Keep doing what you are doing people!
“ Indeed, part of our collective story is how to meaningfully hold grief and hope, acknowledging what cannot be changed and still envisioning all that can.” this is so beautifully written and so important! Denial is a powerful drug… when we’re in denial about the degradation and the lack of care for our planet, we’re lulled into thinking someone else will take care of things, or it’s really not that bad. Feeling the suffering, looking at how our lifestyle choices lead eventually to more fires, floods, loss of species - and finding our own path to action is the only way we can really be of service in saving all that we love. 💗
Dear Ones: One of my great heroes is Michelle Euinton, who loves children and created a place for kids all around the earth to share their art and stories...
This post brings many thoughts. I don’t always choose to write unseen connotations into my personal story, or to write my part with much kindness. I too often write my character as “unknown guy in a small town.” But when picturing a web, and my spot in the thread, the story shifts. I often return to a previous quote of yours, “a tree stands alone, and yet in deepest communion,” to gain perspective.
I also think of the Washed Ashore Project which brings awareness to plastic pollution in the oceans by creating beautiful large sculptures from garbage collected by hundreds of volunteers. And I, too, hold John Fetterman in the Light, along with everyone who bravely overcomes the added challenge of revealing mental health issues in addition to the illness itself. Whether in personal, public, political, spiritual, or corporate settings, may we finally stop viewing mental health issues as weakness.
Oh, my heart- the beauty, the reminder that, as Margaret Mead, said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” We are the ones we have been waiting for. Thank you, Carrie, for this hopeful message. 🙏💖🙏
Thank you 🙏 another amazing piece of heartfelt writing that calls attention to others whose contributions to our collective humanity is truly inspiring. May we all lift others up who care about this beautiful earth and its species of everything.
Beautiful words. I appreciate when we acknowledge the bravery it takes to get help with mental health. This post called to be read while humming your song Stones in the River.
So beautifully said Lisa! Thank you for your thoughts here. I believe the more we understand how we are connected the more we are able to find a more loving and effective way forward. Like you, I really sense the importance of lifting up that we all have gifts and passions, and every act of love and kindness deeply matters. Thanks again Lisa. I always so appreciate your posts
This is so well done Carrie. Thank you for these thoughts. We often talk about the interconnectedness of all things. Balance in ecosystems between plants, insects, animals, predators etc is so crucial to keep things healthy. It should not be a surprise that the problems we face are interconnected as well. So kudos for every person who is doing something to try to make the world better. Food insecurity, trafficking, global warming, racism, poverty, pollution...they are all connected to each other. So I am grateful for each person who is a node on the web. Keep doing what you are doing people!
“ Indeed, part of our collective story is how to meaningfully hold grief and hope, acknowledging what cannot be changed and still envisioning all that can.” this is so beautifully written and so important! Denial is a powerful drug… when we’re in denial about the degradation and the lack of care for our planet, we’re lulled into thinking someone else will take care of things, or it’s really not that bad. Feeling the suffering, looking at how our lifestyle choices lead eventually to more fires, floods, loss of species - and finding our own path to action is the only way we can really be of service in saving all that we love. 💗
Dear Ones: One of my great heroes is Michelle Euinton, who loves children and created a place for kids all around the earth to share their art and stories...
Bless us all!
I appreciate the mention about Sen. Fetterman
Thank you.
I will be able to upgrade in April. I do very much appreciate all you present to us to make our precious world a better place.
This post brings many thoughts. I don’t always choose to write unseen connotations into my personal story, or to write my part with much kindness. I too often write my character as “unknown guy in a small town.” But when picturing a web, and my spot in the thread, the story shifts. I often return to a previous quote of yours, “a tree stands alone, and yet in deepest communion,” to gain perspective.
I also think of the Washed Ashore Project which brings awareness to plastic pollution in the oceans by creating beautiful large sculptures from garbage collected by hundreds of volunteers. And I, too, hold John Fetterman in the Light, along with everyone who bravely overcomes the added challenge of revealing mental health issues in addition to the illness itself. Whether in personal, public, political, spiritual, or corporate settings, may we finally stop viewing mental health issues as weakness.
Oh, my heart- the beauty, the reminder that, as Margaret Mead, said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” We are the ones we have been waiting for. Thank you, Carrie, for this hopeful message. 🙏💖🙏
Thank you 🙏 another amazing piece of heartfelt writing that calls attention to others whose contributions to our collective humanity is truly inspiring. May we all lift others up who care about this beautiful earth and its species of everything.
I love!! The imagery of the nodes of activity vibrating together connected by a common thread! And this reminder of hope too.