I am from the Chicago area,Glenwood to be specifiv. I went on many field. trips to the Museum of science and Industry.The people who worked there were always so nice and helpful.One of my favorite things there were the chicks hatching.Many fond memories.
people have told me I've helped them immensely at a time in need. I have no words to explain, I was just genuine. It was easy, just be me and meet the person where they are and be you.
One time I was the helped by a person who did just that. Acknowledged my pain by offering a genuine small step he could provide to make it easier.
Blessed that I have reached -both for a hand and to offer a hand. Both have been life changing. In the case of reaching for-several men have reached back to show me the way to be a better man. (Ted K., Rev. Vincent Harding, Bill L., Joe. C....and women as well/Sharon W-C, Margie Z. Barbara L-A.,). In each case I was never told to do anything but love and allow myself to be loved.
In reaching out-I have the blessed experience of sitting with two friends who were transitioning into the next world. One unconscious-as I held his hand and whispered, "it's ok Del-you can go", he took his last breath. In the case of Debbie-during COVID her breath was going fast. She asked me to visit as her Pastor (which was not true but allowed me to get by security) and we sat together. She told stories. So did I as we had shared nearly 50 years of shared experiences as friends. And when it was time I was able to look her in the eyes in the deepest way and tell her I loved her. Several minutes later-she took her last breath.
The power of presence. A hand. A reminder that we are all small in daily ways. And there is so much "Greater Than Ourselves" who hold us and restore us.
I believe that certain people cross your paths or show up in a chapter or two of your story for a reason.
I speak a lot about my Journey with my mom with Alzheimer’s, but I’ve learned so much about myself and life in general because of it.
I had 2 very special ministers show up in my story just when I needed them the most. One right at the very beginning when I was lost, alone and afraid. She embraced me with open arms and took my hand as far as she could until the next one showed up. She also embraced me with open arms and held my hand through her chapters of my story. That’s when you Carrie showed up in my story. Your music, poetry, spoken words, and your caring smile were there like a warm embrace to help me get through the toughest chapter, the last one on this journey of life with my mom. I don’t know if I could have gotten through it without you. You keeping connected virtually through Covid meant everything to me. You are still a very a big part of my story!!!
On the flip side, I had the most wonderful friend, ( since early childhood) that meant everything to me. We showed up in each others story just at the right time. She had a difficult life with illnesses. Recently the last illness (cancer) took her life. I was there holding her hand as she took her final breath on earth. Her parents both said she waited for me before leaving this world. I feel like it was her wanting to say good-bye and thank you for being that special friend who accepted her for who she was. I will hold this memory in my heart forever.
Thanks for this thought today Carrie. You truly are an inspiration!
Thank you for sharing parts of your journey Tracey. My heart aches with you and for the loss of your mom and friend. Presence is so powerful, those who have been graced by yours are better for it, I'm sure. Carrie's art and community are a balm for the soul!
Yes presence is so powerful and the memory of true and loving presence, whether received or given shines luminous in our lives and hearts. Thx you Tracey.
For me, walking each other home means being with another person during difficult times. Many times, the person reaching out the hand doesn't have to say much. But the person taking the hand knows you are there, that they are not alone. That they have a companion to help them to a safer place. Reading these responses really shows the impact of storytelling. So many people have identified with the boy who is lost and with the museum guard and your daughter. It's quite powerful.
I love this! When you mention that we are all walking each other home, I think about our neighborhood—as neighbors who are getting older, and may have said goodbye to their life partners of many years, those of us who can do the little things that make life easier. We bring in the trash can, walk the paper up to the door, shovel the snow, pop in for a visit, or bring some food by—just as they have often done for others along the way. We are all in need grace at various times times. And we are all able to offer it at various times along the way, as we walk each other home.
The feeling of being 'little' sparked for me! When we are alone, we do feel little and we seek that hand that enfolds our hand and just holds us. That 'hand' is a metaphor for me, I think. Whatever can surround me when I feel ‘little’ - music, poetry, nature, a blanket - and I need to have the wisdom and courage to entrust myself to that ‘cokpanion’
It's been a few years since I wrote this but I still keep in contact with his family daily! Ron also lived with Cerebral Palsy.. I like to say we roll each other home! 💞💞🧑🦼🧑🦼
There is a boy by the name of Ronald Wilson Cunningham! 13 years ago tomorrow, it was "Gotcha day" for Ron, the day he legally joined his forever family through adoption! Ron lived and loved life, blossoming with the care and love he deserved. Our life paths crossed in some unfortunate circumstances, in the PICU of USA Women and Children's Hospital in Mobile, Alabama. Ron had a very complex surgery that did not go as planned. After several years of Facebook friendship and many weary months in the confines of a hospital room, I made it my mission to hop on a plane and jet Southward to hug a mama and her handsome fellow! One day in April 2015, I rolled down the halls of a hospital where I had never been, in a city to which I had no connection. I was there because I was called by a God who beckons us to serve as His hands and feet to the world, to join my heart with a mighty soul! I spent a precious 48 hours with Ron before I had to say a heartbreaking goodbye, knowing that the next hello would likely be in Heaven! Ron, 8 weeks after my visit you made your final journey. I am eternally grateful for our time together and I would do it again in a heartbeat! I celebrate your life each day, but especially now, I reflect on the sacrificial love that you found with your family. I wish things were different now, that you were still here shining that bright smile but thank you for making me the luckiest girl in the world, I've "gotcha" forever in my heart!
I have been in recovery for the past 24 years and one thing I try to do is to help others. Seeing someone new trying to get their life together I try to help with my experience.
I know the fear, I know the confusion, and the feeling of despair.
I try to show others that there is a solution.
We walk each other home every single day, and that's the miracle. Finding that place of surrender is in God's care. Thank you Carrie for bringing this to lite.
How beautiful to take your own recovery process and transform that into help and healing for others. Recovery is hard and challenging and yet life changing in such deep and meaningful ways. Yes, fear and confusion and despair. Having someone to reach out the hand of experience and compassion is so helpful and hopeful. Bless your heart my friend.
My heart is so full and tender today from walking my daughter down the aisle of her wedding yesterday, hearing the most lovely personalized vows, and witnessing so many examples of people who have walked kindly and courageously throughout interconnected lives. A feeling so real, yet “I do not know it’s name.” Mystery.
Oh my! What a wonderful moment. Yes, full and tender is so descriptive of those luminous shining moments we carry like a warming candle in our hearts. Yes…it is real and yet so mysterious. Thank you and congrats father of the bride!
I was most taken w/the ‘little dude’s’ autonomic breathing in duress. His quick intakes were the body’s natural way of creating mini- pauses, to breathe-in oxygen, a warning and signaling to others. Often when I’m w/ someone in intense conversation, I find myself suddenly pausing to breathe, matching their breath initially, then consciously slowing my own— the equivalent of your daughter’s soothing words maybe — and invariably soon we are breathing in sync. It’s a simple thing we can offer each other, w/o language or fanfare, as stories are unfolding, and hands are being held.
What a wonderful comment. Yes, I do that too…breathing intentionally together can be very calming and helpful. Yes, sometimes it is the most simple things that make such a big difference. Thanks Cyntcha!
This beautiful writing brought tears to my eyes! Such a longing to reach out, forward, back or to the side. “ Please help me, I will help you, we can walk sis by side! “. People belong people!!! The kindness! The tenderness! So heart touching! Thank you!!!
Hi Everyone, I fixed a couple of typos in the newsletter today. The Wabash College show on 9/27/23 has been corrected. If you click through all the info is also for the corrected date. https://www.wabash.edu/boxoffice/event.cfm?eventd_id=184
This story touched me. I was a healthy 73 year old wife, mother, grandmother a month ago. Then I got a head cold and was given an antibiotic. Four days later, with a very sore chest, my urgent care nurse suggested I get checked out in the ER. My EKG scared the technician, with a pattern of “tombstone” shapes on the screen. And my stress test revealed a heart rate of over 220 for more than 20 minutes. I felt fine but the doctor and the technician in the room seemed to be holding their breath waiting for a medication to be delivered to bring the number down. My heart catheterization showed no blockages. So after five days of tests, I was in surgery to install a pacemaker/defibrillator. I was sent home the next day. I had episodes of pain all night, and more pain the next day. Then my husband called 911 and I went back to the ER by ambulance. Turned out one of the leads of the pacemaker had poked a hole in my left ventricle, which bled into the cavity and onto my left lung. So that night I had an emergency surgery to replace the pacemaker, repair the hole and drain the blood. They had to open up my chest (open heart surgery) and also place two tubes to drain the blood.
After two weeks in the hospital, I was sent home to recover. The love and care of my husband, our five adult children and their families, my siblings and my friends has humbled and overwhelmed me. To become a person who needed the care of others, and was given it generously, was transformative.
I identified with little boy in your daughter’s story. He is me.
Oh my goodness, what a harrowing story of uncertainty. It can feel so very vulnerable when what is happening (in our bodies or in other ways) is unclear. I’m grateful they discovered the problem and that you have so many helping hands and hearts around you. I’ll be holding you in the light for healing my dear.
I am from the Chicago area,Glenwood to be specifiv. I went on many field. trips to the Museum of science and Industry.The people who worked there were always so nice and helpful.One of my favorite things there were the chicks hatching.Many fond memories.
Jackie Newport
people have told me I've helped them immensely at a time in need. I have no words to explain, I was just genuine. It was easy, just be me and meet the person where they are and be you.
One time I was the helped by a person who did just that. Acknowledged my pain by offering a genuine small step he could provide to make it easier.
Blessed that I have reached -both for a hand and to offer a hand. Both have been life changing. In the case of reaching for-several men have reached back to show me the way to be a better man. (Ted K., Rev. Vincent Harding, Bill L., Joe. C....and women as well/Sharon W-C, Margie Z. Barbara L-A.,). In each case I was never told to do anything but love and allow myself to be loved.
In reaching out-I have the blessed experience of sitting with two friends who were transitioning into the next world. One unconscious-as I held his hand and whispered, "it's ok Del-you can go", he took his last breath. In the case of Debbie-during COVID her breath was going fast. She asked me to visit as her Pastor (which was not true but allowed me to get by security) and we sat together. She told stories. So did I as we had shared nearly 50 years of shared experiences as friends. And when it was time I was able to look her in the eyes in the deepest way and tell her I loved her. Several minutes later-she took her last breath.
The power of presence. A hand. A reminder that we are all small in daily ways. And there is so much "Greater Than Ourselves" who hold us and restore us.
Thank you Carrie for this lovely story.
Thanks for taking my hand.
I believe that certain people cross your paths or show up in a chapter or two of your story for a reason.
I speak a lot about my Journey with my mom with Alzheimer’s, but I’ve learned so much about myself and life in general because of it.
I had 2 very special ministers show up in my story just when I needed them the most. One right at the very beginning when I was lost, alone and afraid. She embraced me with open arms and took my hand as far as she could until the next one showed up. She also embraced me with open arms and held my hand through her chapters of my story. That’s when you Carrie showed up in my story. Your music, poetry, spoken words, and your caring smile were there like a warm embrace to help me get through the toughest chapter, the last one on this journey of life with my mom. I don’t know if I could have gotten through it without you. You keeping connected virtually through Covid meant everything to me. You are still a very a big part of my story!!!
On the flip side, I had the most wonderful friend, ( since early childhood) that meant everything to me. We showed up in each others story just at the right time. She had a difficult life with illnesses. Recently the last illness (cancer) took her life. I was there holding her hand as she took her final breath on earth. Her parents both said she waited for me before leaving this world. I feel like it was her wanting to say good-bye and thank you for being that special friend who accepted her for who she was. I will hold this memory in my heart forever.
Thanks for this thought today Carrie. You truly are an inspiration!
Thank you for sharing parts of your journey Tracey. My heart aches with you and for the loss of your mom and friend. Presence is so powerful, those who have been graced by yours are better for it, I'm sure. Carrie's art and community are a balm for the soul!
Yes presence is so powerful and the memory of true and loving presence, whether received or given shines luminous in our lives and hearts. Thx you Tracey.
For me, walking each other home means being with another person during difficult times. Many times, the person reaching out the hand doesn't have to say much. But the person taking the hand knows you are there, that they are not alone. That they have a companion to help them to a safer place. Reading these responses really shows the impact of storytelling. So many people have identified with the boy who is lost and with the museum guard and your daughter. It's quite powerful.
I love this! When you mention that we are all walking each other home, I think about our neighborhood—as neighbors who are getting older, and may have said goodbye to their life partners of many years, those of us who can do the little things that make life easier. We bring in the trash can, walk the paper up to the door, shovel the snow, pop in for a visit, or bring some food by—just as they have often done for others along the way. We are all in need grace at various times times. And we are all able to offer it at various times along the way, as we walk each other home.
The feeling of being 'little' sparked for me! When we are alone, we do feel little and we seek that hand that enfolds our hand and just holds us. That 'hand' is a metaphor for me, I think. Whatever can surround me when I feel ‘little’ - music, poetry, nature, a blanket - and I need to have the wisdom and courage to entrust myself to that ‘cokpanion’
It's been a few years since I wrote this but I still keep in contact with his family daily! Ron also lived with Cerebral Palsy.. I like to say we roll each other home! 💞💞🧑🦼🧑🦼
There is a boy by the name of Ronald Wilson Cunningham! 13 years ago tomorrow, it was "Gotcha day" for Ron, the day he legally joined his forever family through adoption! Ron lived and loved life, blossoming with the care and love he deserved. Our life paths crossed in some unfortunate circumstances, in the PICU of USA Women and Children's Hospital in Mobile, Alabama. Ron had a very complex surgery that did not go as planned. After several years of Facebook friendship and many weary months in the confines of a hospital room, I made it my mission to hop on a plane and jet Southward to hug a mama and her handsome fellow! One day in April 2015, I rolled down the halls of a hospital where I had never been, in a city to which I had no connection. I was there because I was called by a God who beckons us to serve as His hands and feet to the world, to join my heart with a mighty soul! I spent a precious 48 hours with Ron before I had to say a heartbreaking goodbye, knowing that the next hello would likely be in Heaven! Ron, 8 weeks after my visit you made your final journey. I am eternally grateful for our time together and I would do it again in a heartbeat! I celebrate your life each day, but especially now, I reflect on the sacrificial love that you found with your family. I wish things were different now, that you were still here shining that bright smile but thank you for making me the luckiest girl in the world, I've "gotcha" forever in my heart!
Blessing upon your kind and compassionate heart my friend. Such a difficult story, and yet a memory of reaching out in love. Thank you Emily.
Blessings to you for your kindness in reading and responding.
I have been in recovery for the past 24 years and one thing I try to do is to help others. Seeing someone new trying to get their life together I try to help with my experience.
I know the fear, I know the confusion, and the feeling of despair.
I try to show others that there is a solution.
We walk each other home every single day, and that's the miracle. Finding that place of surrender is in God's care. Thank you Carrie for bringing this to lite.
How beautiful to take your own recovery process and transform that into help and healing for others. Recovery is hard and challenging and yet life changing in such deep and meaningful ways. Yes, fear and confusion and despair. Having someone to reach out the hand of experience and compassion is so helpful and hopeful. Bless your heart my friend.
Thanks Carrie, see you in Wyoming...
My heart is so full and tender today from walking my daughter down the aisle of her wedding yesterday, hearing the most lovely personalized vows, and witnessing so many examples of people who have walked kindly and courageously throughout interconnected lives. A feeling so real, yet “I do not know it’s name.” Mystery.
Oh my! What a wonderful moment. Yes, full and tender is so descriptive of those luminous shining moments we carry like a warming candle in our hearts. Yes…it is real and yet so mysterious. Thank you and congrats father of the bride!
Thank you!
I was most taken w/the ‘little dude’s’ autonomic breathing in duress. His quick intakes were the body’s natural way of creating mini- pauses, to breathe-in oxygen, a warning and signaling to others. Often when I’m w/ someone in intense conversation, I find myself suddenly pausing to breathe, matching their breath initially, then consciously slowing my own— the equivalent of your daughter’s soothing words maybe — and invariably soon we are breathing in sync. It’s a simple thing we can offer each other, w/o language or fanfare, as stories are unfolding, and hands are being held.
What a wonderful comment. Yes, I do that too…breathing intentionally together can be very calming and helpful. Yes, sometimes it is the most simple things that make such a big difference. Thanks Cyntcha!
This beautiful writing brought tears to my eyes! Such a longing to reach out, forward, back or to the side. “ Please help me, I will help you, we can walk sis by side! “. People belong people!!! The kindness! The tenderness! So heart touching! Thank you!!!
Hi Everyone - a correction on the Tour Section of the Newsletter. My show at Wabash College is 9/27/23 Here is the direct link https://www.wabash.edu/boxoffice/event.cfm?eventd_id=184
You can also visit Kayla Behforouz's new single "Sing" on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/album/1LZpJEbunCKFyuoxgeXD0q?si=U2SXq-0oRSCOEtS9TVSI0g
Hi Everyone, I fixed a couple of typos in the newsletter today. The Wabash College show on 9/27/23 has been corrected. If you click through all the info is also for the corrected date. https://www.wabash.edu/boxoffice/event.cfm?eventd_id=184
Also, the link now works for Kayla Behforouz's new Single "Sing" is corrected https://open.spotify.com/album/1LZpJEbunCKFyuoxgeXD0q?si=qVM54Lw1QbG2uMmo87Dpxw
What was I saying in last week's post about doing pretty well with tech language? ;-)
This story touched me. I was a healthy 73 year old wife, mother, grandmother a month ago. Then I got a head cold and was given an antibiotic. Four days later, with a very sore chest, my urgent care nurse suggested I get checked out in the ER. My EKG scared the technician, with a pattern of “tombstone” shapes on the screen. And my stress test revealed a heart rate of over 220 for more than 20 minutes. I felt fine but the doctor and the technician in the room seemed to be holding their breath waiting for a medication to be delivered to bring the number down. My heart catheterization showed no blockages. So after five days of tests, I was in surgery to install a pacemaker/defibrillator. I was sent home the next day. I had episodes of pain all night, and more pain the next day. Then my husband called 911 and I went back to the ER by ambulance. Turned out one of the leads of the pacemaker had poked a hole in my left ventricle, which bled into the cavity and onto my left lung. So that night I had an emergency surgery to replace the pacemaker, repair the hole and drain the blood. They had to open up my chest (open heart surgery) and also place two tubes to drain the blood.
After two weeks in the hospital, I was sent home to recover. The love and care of my husband, our five adult children and their families, my siblings and my friends has humbled and overwhelmed me. To become a person who needed the care of others, and was given it generously, was transformative.
I identified with little boy in your daughter’s story. He is me.
Thank you.
Oh my goodness, what a harrowing story of uncertainty. It can feel so very vulnerable when what is happening (in our bodies or in other ways) is unclear. I’m grateful they discovered the problem and that you have so many helping hands and hearts around you. I’ll be holding you in the light for healing my dear.
Thank you, Carrie🥰
I am left with Wonder, Grief and Gratitude.