Thank you, thank you, thank you Carrie and all who posted encouragement, helping us stay grounded in love and speak out for justice!

I'm wondering if I can still find your posts on my email. I looked so hopefully this morning, but it is not there!

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We live in an "It's a Wonderful Life" election cycle. I'm voting for George Bailey's idea of the world and community rather than Mr. Potter's.

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Remind yourselves that the turmoil, evil, hatred , lack of goodness, is just evil being evil. Keep doing ki nd love lovley things to people and nature. No matter how small.

Non of this hatred takes God by suprise.

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I try hard to live outside the realm of the talking heads…to know what’s going on but NOT to live there. If we work in our corner of the world to bring peace, joy and love to those around us, we ARE the light that is so desperately needed.

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Yes! Best intentions. Holding, to the best of my ability, a frequency toward which I share with children and people and critters I already love. Wanting such a frequency for strength, clarity, natural intelligence and more kindness. Thank you for the reminder.

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Thank you for your encouraging words- so many times I feel I am alone and not able to do much to show love in our world, but your posts and the comments of others help me realize that small acts of love are still important.

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Thank you Carrie! So glad for your Light in this world! I chose "Gathering of Spirits" and "Sanctuary" as opening and closing music for our vespers on the water at our little Sailing Camp for middle school kids this week. The wind, the water, and your music transported us to a better place and reminded us that we can hold and carry the Light with us in the world!

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Yesterday my husband and I joined others in our community to cut up and drag to the curb huge trees downed by the eight tornadoes that hit our area a week ago today. The task is huge and it seems our tiny bit inconsequential. Yet what other way forward is there except to take small steps? When all of us join together our individual tiny efforts make a difference. YOU do. WE do. Thank you for always bringing your light to the world. 💝

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That quote hit deeply this week. We are selling our way too big for us church to a homeless resource center coalition. Of course some are against it, but it consolidates 3 different places into one and will continue to be sacred space. It’s the Cornel West quote and Micah 6,8– Seek justice, love kindness, walk humbly. Amen Carrie, thank you for your words and encouragement to be love

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I read, and reread this post, and take in its wisdom; its Author's wisdom.

Apart from sharing, being loudly proud of our values, what we can do, is to stop repeating, stop disseminating the statements of the villains. "What this person says has nothing to do with any philosophy of love I know of" may take a form of summing up their blabber as unconscionable, without citing, without repeating. Journalists should not decorate despicable statements with huge portraits of their proponents.

Thank you, Carrie, for this post, and for your courage to speak aloud for the good.

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These days, I find there is a very deep sadness in the depths of my soul. It is good to join my heart with the hearts of others who treasure love and justice for this beautiful world we share. There is comfort here. I am grateful.

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Thank you for your genuine, loving spirit, Carrie.

This reminds me of Howard Thurman’s baccalaureate address at Spelman College on May 4, 1980.

There are so many noises going on inside of you. So many echoes of all sorts. So many internalizing of the rumble and the traffic, the confusions, the disorders. By which your environment as people, that I wonder if you can get still enough-- not quite enough-- still enough to hear rumbling up from your unique and essential idiom, the sound of the genuine in you…

There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself…

There is in every person, that which waits, waits, waits, and listens for the sound of the genuine in himself. There is that in every person that waits, and waits, and listens for the sound of the genuine in other people. And when these two sounds come together, this is music God heard when he said, let us make man in our image.

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Thank you, Carrie. As I prep for my program that I cast out onto YouTube I carry this quote and the ache of all you loving spirits knowing I can’t change this cruelty but I can place love as justice made public gently but firmly in front of it.

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Carrie, thanks for continuing to be a voice that calls us to be better, that calls us to stay engaged and calls us to love in such a time as this! Have you heard of the book “How to be a Coffee Bean”? We are in boiling water…& we need to be the coffee bean that transforms the water into coffee! I too am so weary, but we can’t lose heart - we have to keep spurring one another on and keeping making a difference in the lives of those who are “within 3’ or so” and keep advocating for our neighbors around the world. Press on…

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I am with you Carrie. - “I’m here, I support your continued best intentions for a better kinder world.” to quote you. I love your song, Great Wild Mercy. I am ready for that!!

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Oh such heart-clenching lyrics! I could always play your songs over and over! Thank you for being here for us.

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