Sorry to hear about your water problem. To nurture myself, I meditate, take long walks, read interesting novels, watch interesting films, talk with Ruth, and talk with my spiritual advisor. But I want to focus on another approach, namely art. Right now, I'm writing my second novel. Even though I have a detailed outline of the story, I try to remain open to the Inner Light during the writing process. As a result, I've delved into areas of myself that have gone beyond what I expected. I believe this has not only enriched the story and the characters but also has been healing for me, especially concerning past abuse. But whatever the approach, taking time to nurture ourselves is so important. Thanks!

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Thanks Carrie. It is so good to receive a note back from you. I really didn't expect that to be the response. I forwarded the "Good Bones and Pushing Water" story. I felt was as if I were touched by an angel. The story was interpreted as a political slam, to which I totally disagree. I feel that it was a call to vote but being cautious when one does so. I voted today but did some research before I did. My vote was not a straight party line vote. I want to weed out those Bad Bones where they, in my world view, exist.

Blessings to both you and Parker, Dave

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Thank you, as always, for you insightful words. Thank you also for the Vote Smart link. That would have been handy when I was doing my research :) . I spend a lot of time in a community that overall views things very differently than I do. It can really get me down. Uplifting words and thoughts such as yours make such a positive difference! Thanks to you and this group, I am hopeful that the good bones of democracy will continue to be strengthened.

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Wow. As the water seeps, I retire to the vast horizons of the Gulf and the night skies. Sitting at 4AM this morning, watching the eclipse as we spun around at 1,000mph, I realize that the moon never lost the light, but waited patiently while the shadow crossed over - and even then, the stars shone more brilliantly at the darkest hour. We are those points of light, sparkling in our steadfastness, faithful as ever to the loving. Thank you, Carrie. This was so perfectly timely!

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Thank you for this great metaphor. My husband and I just returned from voting. I pray enough people will be open to see the big picture and not vote on only one issue. Continued thanks for your thoughtful posts!

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thank you for voting my friend. it matters! I don't know what will happen in the next days...we will see. But no matter what happens the work of love will continue. and I will be here with you and your husband doing the work of love.

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I love the way you voted. I didn’t have the beautiful words to explain my reasons why I voted the way I did. Wished I could express myself like you do.

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Thank you Ruth for your kind words. As an artist, part of what we try to do is to help create language or images for the things we are individually and collectively feeling. I'm always so grateful when I encounter art (which happens all the time) that expresses something for me, recognizes me and my human experience. We stand together Ruth...two humans, on a human journey, expressing what we can and getting a little help when words aren't there yet. I'm sure you've spoken just what someone needed at point in your life. There is a phrase that Quakers say to one another to help acknowledge when that happens. We are encouraged to go to the person who has spoken something that has touched, moved or described something and say "Friend, you speak to my condition." I really love the phase and the encouragement to let one another know when we are touched.. So often we don't know - Thank you Ruth. You speak to my condition...and i'm grateful to hear that today I've spoken to yours. :-)

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Hi Carrie, thank you for this gentle challenge to care for ourselves when the water seeping through alerts us to what is draining our spirits. I really appreciate your writings, music, and partnership with Parker Palmer. With very best wishes from Wiltshire, UK

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As a drywall finisher I have seen the damage that water can do and if not addressed the old water will create black mold and not only the house damaged, but it can then damage a person's health. Taking out the old drywall and mold carefully and then replacing with new can bring back a healthy home and people in the home. Sin can be like black mold, and we must open ourselves up to the Inner Light of Jesus Christ to rid our souls of the sin mold and become new and healthy again.

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Bones, made from bone marrow, anemic right now. Need a transfusion of young people who aren’t just angry but who are willing to learn. I worked on choice & the environment in 1973 in high school - I’m doing it again. I’m so tired, so disappointed, so worried.

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Yes, I know that feeling of disappointment and concern. For many women this push back of our citizenship and human rights is traumatic on so many levels - what many thought was settled law and could not happen again has happened. The pushing back of human rights, the rights of women and minority groups is a hallmark when countries take a turn toward white nationalism or fascism. It is deeply concerning to see extreme ideology like we are seeing brought into the mainstream. But this has happened before in our country, I believe in the good bones of democracy. But I also know the pipes are leaking...so we look at lost ground, but look toward the long view of love.

As women of a certain age we bare the disappointment of seeing ourselves re-fighting an old injustice that we have already put so much hope and work and passion into to set right. But with that disappointment comes the gift of having seen justice prevail. We saw it happen with our own eyes and in our life time...we know (because we have seen it) that justice can and does win out. Unfortunately younger women don't have that personal experience...and so part of our job right now is to acknowledge our disappointment, anger and grief...but become beacons of light, saying "I remember and we can do this, it has been done and we will claim our full citizenship rights again. It will not come easy...and there is hard work to do again...but rarely have things worth fighting for come easy. But we have one another, we have our love and passion , we have the collective memory that truth can move us forward and justice can prevail. As hard as it is to face the disappointment...thank you for your memory of the work and that it can happen.

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Thank you for this lovely meditation. I'm sure you know this poem, Carrie, but ICYMI. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/89897/good-bones

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got a bad link of the 4 Dec Mandolin concert

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hummm. Here is the correct link. https://mandolin.com/events/c267a434-1623-4d98-b5cc-a2c30e3b9db1

let me know if you have any issues accessing it.

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I would like you to know that I want to have you in my Memorial Service when I pass through to eternity. You will be singing "The Music Will Play On". Those who choose to attend will also see the beautiful video included in your presentation!

Love, Dave

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Oh dave. I'm so touched. I will let Parker Palmer know about this comment. He is the writer of all the lyrics and we collaborated on the music. It was an honor to collaborate with Parker to create this meaningful work. Blessings my friend.

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Wonderful news, you are going to India…..

Service Space, Nipun all the tech angels are like you a gift 💝 that plants seeds of love, kindness , gifts that keep growing.❤️🙏❤️

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So sorry to hear about your plumbing issues.

My nurturing and self care needs shift daily, and it takes a lot of energy just noticing what is happening internally end externally. Most days it involves some writing and a lot of time alone, but then there are times those things keep me too much in my head, and what I really need is some form of low stress engagement with others. Microcosmic breathing is a tool I always try to keep handy, and noticing my activation level on a 1-10 scale, and keeping it a 4 or under.

And good music!

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thank you Jeff, What is Microcosmic breathing? I've never heard of it. I really appreciate your practic of writing and taking time for reflection and solitude - but also the wisdom you've gained that sometimes that's not what you need at that particular time. I think one of the good things about doing long time contemplative and healing work is that you begin to trust the tools we gained, and trust our own wise Inner Teacher, in how to best use our tools of peace and well being from day to day, moment to moment.

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As I understand, Microcosmic breathing, or the microcosmic orbit, can be very involved and have some variations. I was taught a very simplified version in a Yoga For Emotional Healing class that has served me well. On your inhale, you imagine the breath traveling from your lower abdomen or solar plexus around your sitting bones, up the spine and around your crown to rest in your forehead. Pause, and slowly exhale, imagining the breath going back to the lower abdomen. This can be done and practiced in a quiet sitting meditation pose, but I have used it in a crowded room, in my head, many times and no one around was the wiser, and it calmed me.

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Yeah to good music 🎶

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Hey Carrie - Sorry to hear that you and Robert had Covid recently. I hope you're both feeling a lot better. Your post today was very familiar to me, because we have had 2 pipes break in the last 4 weeks (most recently last week). We have walls torn out and flooring removed, and are awaiting approvals to start reconstruction and repairs. Fortunately it's our guest room, so we can kind of close it off until it gets fixed. I'm a longtime fan of your wonderful music, poetry and essays, and I'm forever grateful that through you I've discovered Parker Palmer, and read (and re-read) many of his books. Your "A Gathering of Spirits" messages are always so thoughtful and I look forward to the lift they give me when they arrive. Bless you and thank you for all that you do! Bruce Humphrey

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Oh my goodness. i'm sorry about the pipes breaking at your home too! yikes. I'm so grateful to hear that the posts and the growing edge with Parker have resonated for you. I think right now it is so important we find community, commentary and safe spaces for authentic conversation. I've appreciated your posts here Bruce and always enjoy reading your insights. Thanks for being here and for sharing...and I hope your guest room pipes are fixed soon and with little disruption. :-)

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Interesting that in today's prayer group, this very topic was discussed. Not the leaking pipe but the state of the country and beyond. My way of getting in touch with the "good bones" is meditating to hold the space for the Loving and the Light of God (Goddess, Spirit, or whatever noun one feels explains the belief in the Light of the World) to enter and prevail. I also found it interesting that the Quakers refer to "Inner Light" as I have been initiated on a Path of Sound and Light through a Spiritual group called "Inner Light Ministries" - I truly believe that Light will prevail over Darkness and that the Good Bones of Democracy will prevail. Namaste.

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