The petroglyphs are so intriguing! I’ve never seen any like them and would dearly love to see them in person (although very unlikely) thank you for sharing them along with your insightful comments. 🥰

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I find that elegance and complexity often work together in art. Picasso and Matisse loved the simple, blobby drawings of children. In fact, Picasso said that every child is an artist. Their works reflect this. They have a simplicity and complexity. Sometimes when I'm writing I experience this as well. Recently, I made a structural change by shifting some scenes that streamlined the story but also interconnected it more. Thanks for your insightful, inspiring comments.

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As usual, Carrie, your insights are just deeply true and relevant. But even though the sport is moving towards elements I never thought could be humanly possible, like quad jumps, and even a quad axel, that’s not where the beauty is for me. To me, when a master figure skater simply steps on the ice and strokes with grace, freedom, and abandon, that’s when my heart bursts with the gloriousness of it all...

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I love the calm and spring in your voice. I love your singing this time in words only. I trust you and take to heart the wisdom which have come again to me after long hibernation. I am ever grateful for your presence and power in my life. It’s sees what I have seen in life’s bumpy path and still you sustain us on a breath or a pause or a twinkle rarely seen but in a starry night at equator as the Southern Cross takes her position just right.

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You are a gifted writer. Well done. Thought provoking.

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Carrie, I loved all the comments she wrote today. The deep breathing exercise you shared has been lifelong practice that I started probably 50 years ago I am a testament to its value. I appreciated your suggestion of a smile when you’re breathing out. Thank you.

I must confess that my favorite artist was John and on You Tube I listened to more of his music .

When he sang is your”This Is Your” he talked about one time Peter Seger sang it.

This made me remember the time I had the honor of hearing Pete Seger at the Good Shepherd Churchill, Sahaurita, Texas.

I thank you for introducing me to John’s music

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We have bird feeders near our home and a source of water. When I need to calm myself, I sit with them. The other day I watched a blue Jay come by and try to eat all the peanuts we had just placed there. It reminded me of how I used to be with Facebook, trying to swallow every article down without digesting any of it. Then I watched a tufted titmouse come by and she just took one seed and flew away to enjoy it. It made me breathe deeply and smile. Thank you for reminding me of this.

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I love the practice that you shared! I have always said “you can’t help but smile when Carrie smiles!!” I couldn’t help but smile at your picture! When you described what happens when we smile rings so true. I always feel a weight lifted and a more relaxed feeling as well as a mood change when someone smiles that causes me to smile, like you. A smile can change so many things. I always try to make a point as well to try and smile at the cashier, waitress, receptionist, doctor, Chiropractor or massage therapist, my clients, etc and remember to thank them as well. It’s not always the easiest thing to do from one who wrestles with mental illness, it’s so easy to shy away in silence and forget what is around you to appreciate.so it’s a practice for me as well. I like the “Breathe in Peace, Breathe out a smile” practice.

I can so can relate to your friend with an ill loved one in hospice. Caring for my mom in Longterm care was a first for me as well and it was scary. But no matter what I could or couldn’t do, as long as I could love her I did just that. A listening ear as well as open ended questions are so vital when in conversation with someone in that type of situation. More often than not I would have someone tell me “I know how you feel”, or “I know what you are going through as I went through it”, or a “been there done that” attitude and a “here’s what you should do”. In those situations it would cause me shut down and walk away in anger and not want to have a conversation with them again.

The pictures of the petroglyphs are so beautiful. I would love to be part of the retreat with you and John McCutcheon…..what an experience that would be!!

I just got home from a 6 hour drive after visiting my daughter for the weekend. I spent a good part of the trip home looking into the readings you listed as well as listening to the music you provided. I loved John McCutcheon’s song “Be Still”

I also not only read your posting but I also listened to you read it. It was all so powerful. (Note: I was not driving lol!) Thanks for your stories and your wisdom Carrie!! 😁smile!!

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Love how you share your practices and wisdom. Your words ring true. Service Space is an amazing organization . You both highlight the positive, lift others up while highlighting the sadness and work that needs to be done to improve this human experience.

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I love your ideas. But please spell Thich Nhat Hanh correctly so that people can find more of his writings if they want to.

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thank you soooooooooo much for catching my typo!!! so important, I'll change it now. wow, getting names wrong makes it hard to find more by that person. and his works are wonderful!

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