Oct 11Edited

What I carry is hope, a smile, a role to be what I am created to be, i carry a willing ear to listen, an outstretched hand to offer help & a hand to ask for help when needed, I carry the past, the wounds of life, the scars of healing, my experience my strength my hope.

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Thank you Carrie, I found myself this morning during my meditation/Centering Prayer being led into Tonglen. This just came which I have only done a few times prior. Very powerful, very rich for me to take in the dark & send out the light. Thank for the mention of this& the light you are sending out.

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What I carry is my mother's smile and her love of flowers.

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So profound and inspiring and deeply moving .

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Over the last few decades the US presidential ellection has become the most frustrating, superficial, and disappointing event on the world political calendar. But this post with the birds helped add some meaning.

We could learn so much from the world we live in if we paid attention.

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Thanks Carrie

Once again your writing is spot on .

No clue who started,said this ,and I may butcher the idea perhaps

Just be the stone that creates the first ripple in the water,and it can cause good change,or perhaps bad.But we all should try hoping it creates some good .

I also thought President Obama at the convention had a great line ,seemed to me overlooked.

When the crowd booed the opposition candidate

He said

Don't Boo

Do something.☮️🐧

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When I was 14 (I am 67 now) my father died suddenly. The only thing that has stayed with me from that time came from a friend who sent me a small purple scroll with a bird on it that said "The bird doesn't sing because he has the answers, he sings because he has a song." I don't have the answers to so much that is happening but if I dig down deep I can always find my song and the good that is around me.

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“I know God won’t give me more than I can handle but sometimes I wish he wouldn’t trust me so much.” Mother Teresa

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Thank you Carrie for holding this compassionate space for others. May this quote below ease suffering to anyone who may be in need of peace and calm.

“The Great Bell Chant

(The End Of Suffering)

Thich Nhat Hahn

May the sound of this bell penetrate the cosmos.

Even in the darkest spots, living beings are able to hear it clearly so that all suffering in them cease.

Understanding comes to their heart and they transcend the path of sorrow and death.

Listening to the bell

I feel the afflictions in me dissolve

My mind calm

My body relaxed

A smile is born on my lips.

Following the sound of the bell,

my breath brings me back to the safe island of mindfulness.

The universal dharma door is already open.

The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly.

The miracle happens.

A beautiful child appears in the heart of a lotus flower.

One single drop of this compassionate water is enough to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains and rivers.

In the garden of my heart, the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.”

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I paraphrase e.e. cummings:

I am through you so we.

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I know what you need, I need what you know.

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I have always (for as long as I can remember) been attached to the hymn lyric "Be Thou My Vision"..... so, that is my "go to" when I feel things are completely out of my control and I need to reel myself back in.... while I breathe.

So, here you go:

Be Thou My Vision, Oh, Lord of my heart

Naught be all else to me save that thou art

Thou my best thought

By day or by night

Waking or sleeping

Thy presence, my Light

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This may be one of my favorite hymns. There is some very comforting in the melody line, and the presence of something sacred that guides us in the dark.

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Oh Carrie all your writings touch me but this one touched me so much! I have been up since 4:30am with the puppy who had a tummy ache (he ate something he shouldn't have). I was feeling sorry for myself and just down. Then I read this and I cried because I thought how much other people are going through and I am feeling sorry for myself over a puppy tummy ache!! You got me right back to where I should be...thinking of others. I did the wonderful mediation and it calmed my soul right down. Thank you so very much. I wish I could hug you but know that I am hugging you in my thoughts. The poem I printed and it is going on my kitchen cabinet as a reminder to send love. On another note i have been trying recently to use Rumi's poem "Before you speak let your words pass through three gates:"Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind." Not an easy thing to do, particularly during these political times. Thank you again Carrie for your words and the images they give and the love you spread by sharing them.

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I love that particular Rumi quote. Thank you for posting it. I hope your puppy is feeling better, and I’m so glad the meditation was helpful. I find it very calming and centering on what is true, necessary and kind.

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The theme of year for the FWCC (Friends World Committee for Consultation) is the South African word Ubuntu, which as I understand it incorporates the ideas of common humanity and interconnectedness. I need these reminders as I watch national and international news. I love your image and the breath prayer.

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Thanks for mentioning that wonderful wordI I was fortunate to go to South Africa twice with college students, many years ago. and the word Ubuntu has always stayed with me. Whenever I hear it mentioned, it helps me to feel grounded, connected and more in touch with compassion!

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Ubuntu is such a wonderful word and idea. I didn’t know that was going to be this year’s theme. So appropriate and centering for these changing and challenging times.

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Carrie my words are from you, “Lean into the Light”….. Sending Love to the World 🌎 of all creatures. ❤️🙏❤️ In these challenging times.

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With the story of the birds, you remind me of a TV show called "From". Such a powerful image. Thank you.

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I’ll have to look for “From” if it has insights into the natural world and birds!

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