Hi Carrie and all, here's our recent Co-Intelligence Newsletter where we link to this blog post, in the section called "What We've Been Appreciating..." https://app.getresponse.com/view.html?x=a62b&m=BvGYSB&mc=Iw&s=BRqCTkG&u=CrXuY&z=EhVDGws&

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I’m here too…. And I choose to be living in a mindset where I watch (out for) and am

alert for Mis-Information and Dis-Information. (Well, and I’ll start by finding out & remembering the difference between these.) // And I also choose to cherish the beloved sound of the night train that’s blowing its horn (on the regular, right around this very time) just a few blocks from my quiet house here in Decatur Ga

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A very old friend sent this to me and all I can say is 💚💚💚

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I’m here, and I choose to not be silent. I will continue to be an advocate and an ally.

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The first time I saw you live was in a small community congregation in Broad Ripple, a suburb of Indianapolis. I believe it was shortly after the 2016 presidential election. Your opening song was “I Heard An Owl” . You sang it with such a passion and message that whenever I get down on current events, I listen to that song and it brings me back to the work we need to do. Thank you for reminding us we are in this together.

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I love your post. And that is what I’m focused on today, Monday January 20, 1925. I will be reading instead of watching tv. I am more interested in MLK stories than the inaugural whoop-la. I am breathing peace and love, hopefully for the next 4 years and beyond. Thank you for keeping me in balance.

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Thank you for sharing another uplifting story. It must have been a fun journey to raise Amelia.

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I will continue to be Authentic in my Being. You can depend on me. 💗

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I'm here, and I chose to continue our story of connectiveness in our journey Home, in peace and love and joy.

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My favorite part of the film, Out of Africa, was when Meryl Streep was given a single sentence by Robert Redford, to begin a story that went on for at least an hour. I love the whole concept of Ad-On, and have done it with my kids and grands. Thank you!

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"We can choose a story that lifts us all, that empowers us all, and that holds dear the long arc of justice, that removes and corrects “ everything that stands against love.” Amen

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I’m here and I choose to always remember—no matter what — that love it’s all there is.

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I’m here and I will continue to give voice and visibility to families experiencing homelessness, especially the 3 Melissas who have stepped up to share their stories for other families.

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I am here, and I choose discernment, connection, and loving-kindness.

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Thank you so much for sharing these two songs and a delightful and pertanent story. I've shared them on to my circle of friends and music lovers. I'm sure I will listen to the songs several more times over the next several weeks. Blessings to you and on you for the music you share with us all.

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I am and I will be here choosing recovery. I will work with other addicts, no matter what their beliefs. I will maintain my serenity. I will show what I have until they want what I have.

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