Recommended by Carrie Newcomer
This is my shared Substack space with one of my favorite writers and human beings on the planet, Parker J. Palmer. The Growing Edge is a co-hosted podcast with written commentary. I hope you'll check it out.
I love John Strom's "Ready for Nothing" Substack offerings. Insightful, wry, incredibly music knowledge and experience. I highly recommend. Check out his post about loving the music of Nick Drake - powerful stuff.
I’ve been following the writing of Phyllis Cole-Dai for many years. I’m so excited that she has a new substack page and hope folks check it out!
I’ve enjoyed the spirit of Imago Scriptura. It comes out of the Christian tradition, but in a way that explores wonder, the natural world, and good questions rather than hard answers. I’d recommend to anyone interested in exploring spirituality through art, ache and awe.