Two Special Supporting Subscriber Events & Nov. 20% Off Subscriber Discount
How You Matter Here At The Gathering Of Spirits
Hi Folks,
As we round the corner of the year, I want to express my gratitude to all the free and supporting subscribers here at The Gathering of Spirits. I’ve written more about How YOU matter below.
This month I am offering 2 very special In Gratitude Supporting Subscriber Events & a Supporting Subscriber discount through November.
On November 24, 2023 I’ll be posting a new full concert on Vimeo, A Great Wild Mercy Live Release Concert - Carrie Newcomer with Gary Walters, Allie Summers & String Quartet. Join us for this beautiful string quartet presentation of new and favorite songs, filmed at the Buskirk Chumley Theater in front of a live audience. I so enjoyed this concert, showcasing string arrangments by Gary Walters. It was an evening of gratitude and it felt appropriate to premere it on A Gathering Of Spirits on Thanksgiving Day!
I’ll be sending the private access VIMEO link to all supporting subscribers on Nov. 23rd!
Sunday, December 3, 2023 6PM CT (7PM ET, 5PM MT, 4PM PT) I’ll be co-hosting an hour long live conversation with Phyllis Cole-Dai (author, poet and host of The Raft “Living From Our Yes: A Conversation About Creativity, Gratitude & Community” Join Phyllis Cole-Dai and Carrie Newcomer for a live Zoom event about “living from our yes”. Together we will muse on the process of translating lived experience into a creative medium and embracing the entirety of life as a creative practice. By leaning into our lives with affirmation, gratitude and wonder, we build connections within ourselves.
All supporting subscribers will be sent a private Zoom link on December 2nd!
Now…..How You Matter
Reader-Supported Publishing is a new model for artists, writers & musicians. With the decentralization of media, the diminishment of traditional news, music periodicals, and the general unreliability of social media many writers and artists have found it more difficult to reach their readers and listeners. Substack has created an online space where The Gathering of Spirits can “live” independent from shadowy algorithms, advertisements, and profits -where readers and listeners can interact with the artists and writers they love and while building thoughtful and authentic community with one another.
Reader-Supported is just what it sounds like, this is a new model for creating and sharing what artists and writers offer. YOU support artists directly. Substack’s fee for technology, editorial assistance, payment processing, and production, is only about 15% of your subscription. The rest — about 85% — goes directly to support my work allowing me to actually spend more meaningful time writing, creating, recording and shaping this thoughtful space with reflections, new music, poetry, community questions and practices.
Ok…unless you are Taylor Swift, most musicians are hard working middle class folk (if we are fortunate). We have passionately and faithfully endeavored to make a life in the arts, even though the general culture is not set up very well for us. We are part of the gig economy, we work very hard, AND we are exceedingly grateful when we actually get to do the this thing we love and deeply feel we are called to do in the world. Most of us do not take for granted, for even a second, all the help and support we’ve experienced along the way.
Your subscription doesn’t just pay for a service - a this-for-that corporate arrangement. Your subscription directly supports an author, artist or musician. At The Gathering of Spirits you are supporting the music, poetry and words I create, but also supporting the creation of a meaningful space for the ideas I endeavor to bring to public consciousness and conversation.
In a time when much media (including social media) has been gobbled up by large corporations, we are actually doing something quite beautifully and quietly radical. I’ve been a full time independent artist for 23 years, and I’ve never experienced something quite like this new model. I have to tell you, its hopeful and exciting, I’m touched and grateful and Yes, I don’t take your support for granted for even a moment.
The Gathering of Spirits
The exciting news is that The Gathering of Spirits been consistently one of Substack’s top 5 -10 music pages along with Patti Smith, Jeff Tweety and Neko Case. For most of us the ratio hangs out around 90% free to 10% supporting subscribers. Its a bit like the PBS model. But its not just subscribers that view and participate in The Gathering of Spirits. Posts are read widely by non-subscribers, and when you share posts they circulate even further beyond this page.
So I want to let you know, it is YOU (free and supporting subscribers) who make this space viable, possible and vibrant. You’ve brought your open hearts and interested minds to this space. You’ve been incredibly gracious and respectful of one another, and in a world of social media flaming, supporting a space that honors the importance and sacredness of each person is no small thing. You inspire me and deeply encourage me.
Social Media in General - Just an FYI
I still have a Facebook & Instagram presence - but I know (because it happened to me) that I can be booted off the platform unceremoniously and without recourse, losing all access the friends and community I’ve created there. So mostly, I’m posting excerpts there of what I post on The Gathering Of Spirits and direct folks here. But the large corporate model used by facebook throttles how many people see your posts. There is a corporate wall between the artist and the community that is opaque and get throttles community connection more with each each year. Substack creates no wall between you and I and the entire community. The Gathering of Spirits is transparent and if I post a reflection or if you post a comment the community will actually see it.
In a nutshell, your support and sharing means more than ever. This new model here at Substack and The Gathering of Spirits is a grassroots word-of-mouth and email sharing endeavor. Please continue to share my free posts and recommend on Substack. Its the best way to let others know about this community and the art, music, poetry, reflections and conversations we have here!
DISCOUNT IN NOVEMBER - Third Gratitude Offering
Ok, I’m so friggin Midwestern sometimes. I love a discount and a good deal. When someone from the midwest is complimented on a new dress they might very well tell you (with great pride) “bought it on consignment - ½ price AND Ecological! Really you think I’m kidding… nope! So part of my Gratitude Offerings this month is a 20% discount on any new supporting subscriber subscription in the month of November.
Hi Bruce, I’m not sure what you’re talking about with sigb in. Can you share a few more details. I’d love to help figure out what the issue is and to correct it. But I think I need a little more information. If you’re upgrading to use the same sign in and then just upgrade from your account if you are creating a new account under a new name, you mightnot be able to use the same handle, if that’s already been taken ? I hope that helps.
I can’t let this post go without saying that it is a wonderfully generous thank you offer! But what perhaps goes without saying, even though I am saying it that we are here, each and everyone of us, (in my opinion anyway) in an attempt to express gratitude and thanks so deep for the difference you make in our lives every single day. No matter the emotion, positive or negative, I put your music on and either rejoice with it, or heal with it.... I don’t know anything that deserves all the support in our power to give more than that!!!