A Poem, Reflection & Announcing My Holiday Gratitude Sale.
Entire Online Store 20% Off Nov 17-Dec 7th
Hi Folks, I’m traveling for shows and workshops this weekend so my sunday post will be a bit brief today. A bit of Good News. A Holiday Sale Announcement. A Poem and Reflection for these challenging times. Recommendations for helpful reading. And music…always music.
First - Good News!
A huge hug and congratulations to Allie van Wassenaer-Summers and her wonderful husband Deitrick on the arrival of their beautiful baby girl Flora Eloise! I have loved recording and performing with Allie for many years. I know so many of you have also loved experiencing her amazing spirit, beautiful voice and luminous violin contribution on my recordings, online & live performance. Allie and Deitrick now live in The Netherlands and I hope you’ll join me in sending lots of love and well wishes as they celebrate this new shining soul that has arrived into their lives and into this world. And yes, there is still news that is utterly and completely glorious.
Holiday Gratitude Sale
Other Fun News….
Every year I offer a 20% Off Holiday Gratitude Sale.
Everything on my online store is 20% off from November 17 Thru December 7th. Just put the coupon code HOLIDAY20 in at check out! Here is the link for my online store. Here
We have two new items this season for you or as holiday gifts.
You Can Do This Hard Thing T-shirt in a new autumn color
& You Can Do This Hard Thing Journal
AND Gary Walters Music Offered during our Holiday Sale!
We will also be offering Gary’s Walters’ two beautiful recordings The Way Through and The Covid Sessions during our holiday sale! For those of you who have loved Gary’s music over the years, I hope you’ll check out these beautiful albums this season!
A Poem And A Few Thoughts..
Here is a poem that has been resonating for me this week by the poet William Stafford. I’ve been particularly moved by the lines “What can a person do the help bring back the world?….We have to watch it and then look at each other. Together we hold it close and carefully save it.”
We are beginning to lift our heads up and look around. We are walking the non-linear journey of healing and resolve together. I will never be Pollyanna with this community. It is clear that the incoming administration is being setting up in ways that will cause great chaos and suffering, with certain communities immediately targeted. We will deeply challenged in the next years as a country and as individuals.
But we know how to be strong, we know how to be true, we know how to lean into what matters most. Let us remind one another what the mountains look like when the snow or fog hides them from view. Let us continue our work to heal what we can, and also let us live with meaning and purpose…because embracing life’s joys and meaning is also an act of resistance.
What I’m Reading That’s Been Helpful
I took great comfort and courage and clarity in these two writing this week. Both are a little longer reads from social media…but totally worth the time.
Parker J. Palmer Facebook Post on A Hidden Wholeness & The Rope From The House To The Barn. Farmers used to tie a rope from the house to the barn, so that during a white out snow storm they would not get lost. It is easy to get lost when the snow is falling so hard and so fast. He asks the important question…what is our rope in these challenging times. How can we take one step and then the next, hand over hand as we move from here to there.
Diana Butler Bass The Cottage Post - I’m Not Disappointed. Diana really nailed the idea that what we are experiencing is not personal disappointed. I highly recommend.
Singing In The Dark
This is a song I wrote with my good friend John McCutcheon….Sometimes we sing in the morning, sometimes we sing in the dark.
Tour and Workshops
For more info and tickets visit my website tour page www.carrienewcomer.com/tour
Good morning Carrie-
Thank you for this poem. Every morning I open the curtains and gaze at the mountain outside the window. Sometimes it is sunlightful; sometimes it is obscured by clouds. No matter what, it is always there.
Someone recently shared the verse that “clouds are the dust of God’s feet.” That gave the person the assurance that even in storms, God is already there, preparing a path through. Trusting that the Holy One is with us even through this stormy time in our nation helps me to lean on Them and others, knowing we are not alone.
Together, we can do this hard thing. Peace.
Be safe in your travels,and thanks for all the uplifting comments.
Congratulations to the new life brought in by your friends also