If you feel this post is helpful or would be helpful to someone you know…please share. It is the best way to invite folks into this conversation and community of care in these challenging times.
With two days to go until Election Day it feels like we’ve all been living in a state of continuously rising high alert since 2015 and reaching a fevered pitch in these closing days. The American Psychiatric Association sited that continued election exposure to a rise in hate speech, sexism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, climate change denial, increasingly violent rhetoric, breaking news, anxiety, anger and fear mongering has topped the list of stressors on APA’s 2024 Stress in America survey. We are all feeling it—in our bodies, in our minds and in our spirits.
Breathe….Once (a longer out-breath than in-breath)
On my travels people continue to ask me what I think will happen. Honestly, I don’t know. I know what I hope. I know what I believe. I know what I have been personally seeing. I know that I have been doing everything in my power. I know that the world is watching, because the global security and the survival of countless species, including the human race is at stake.
I know we are at a pivotal time of exciting possibility, a time to celebrate and be energized by the shining possibility of a woman of color to rise to the highest office of this country. I know that I am seeing wide collations coming together in ways that give me hope that we can continue to come together for the common good. I know that the most ugly parts of our culture have dropped all pretenses—and the dangers could not be more clear.
I know that what ever happens that love is still the greatest power and that is how I will continue to orient my life. I know that I will continue to sing. I know I will continue to reach out and reach up. I know I will continue to try to repair what has felt so broken. I know that I will have to work on forgiveness for a long time.
I know that no matter who wins this election, half this country will be angry or disappointed or grieving. I know whatever happens it will not be the last word. There will be push back and there will be movement forward. I know there is still a lot of work ahead—but that we have done hard things before and we will rise to this hard thing as well.
I know that I am not alone,
I know that you are not alone,
I know that we are all holding hands and instead of holding our breath
We are breathing together.
Breathe….Twice (a longer out-breath than in-breath)
Now - Feel the support of this concerned and caring Gathering of Spirits.
Feel the power of a this risky but beautiful hope.
Feel all the people working for that better, kinder, safer, more just world - including yourself.
Breathe….Three times (a longer out-breath than in-breath)
Amen folks…amen
Practice - Time For an “Oh, Honey”
Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a while. Take notice of any feeling of tightness or stress in your body, any worry or roiling in your stomach, any heaviness in your heart. Now place your hand on your heart. Feel the warmth of your own hand upon your chest. Breathe infinite compassion and care into your body and spirit. Maybe say to yourself “Oh Honey, of course you are concerned and so worried, you are loved and you are not alone.” Breathe a bit longer until you feel the tension or stress ease.
How did it feel to share this time of concern with others. How did it feel to give yourself an “oh honey.” What encouragement can you give to the community today (and maybe to ourselves)?
Here’s a song “Three Feet or So
“The things that have saved us are still here to save us. It’s not out there somewhere, its right here…Its right here!” “I can’t change the whole world but I can change the world I know…what’s within three feet or so.”
(Many thanks to Dr. Gregory Ellison III for his concept and the three foot challenge that inspired this song).
If you want to hear more about The Three Foot Practice you can check it out here.
First, I want to thank everyone for supporting my work and The Gathering of Spirits Community as a free or paid subscriber!
I am so grateful to share this hopeful experiment and incredibly rewarding journey with you. Together we have created this thoughtful space to connect and stay in conversation through music, poetry, essays and meaningful conversation around topics that matter to us. I’m so moved by the way we care for one another and keep this space vibrant and safe for heart-felt conversations about healing, compassion, faith, spirituality, beauty, resilience, love for music, poetry, literature, the natural world, finding meaning in our ordinary, extraordinary days as we explore what is emerging at our personal and community growing edges.
Now Supporting Subscriber Part…
As you may already know, Substack works a bit on the NPR model. Please know that I will continue to offer lots of free content so that everyone can partake and participate in meaningful ways here. Your thoughtful presence (as a free or paid subscriber) is always deeply appreciated. Thank you for all the ways you share, comment and support the spirit happening here at The Gathering of Spirits!
But like NPR, some folks may decide to help support the conversations and works offered here with a monthly or annual subscription. It’s your contributions that keep the lights on and keep this Substack project viable. I send my heartfelt and most sincere gratitude.
In appreciation for this support, It’s been fun to offer special content for Supporting Subscribers like my Wednesday posts, New Demos of unreleased songs, Song Labs and Serial Readings, Community Creative Projects, Interviews, The Growing Edge Podcast, Ask Me Anything, Special Events and more.
Upcoming Shows & Events
Gary Walters and I will be traveling to WI, IN, OH and IA in the upcoming weeks. I hope to see you there. For more information and how to get tickets visit www.carrienewcomer.com/tour
One Inch Photos

I love how the veins of leaves echo the shapes of trunks and branches of tress. Its like there is this beautiful unifying fractal design expressing itself at every level. There is wonder in the details my friends.
Here in MN I’m holding onto hope and trying not to let fear drive my days. The political turmoil has permeated the air we breathe and while that is happening, we still have our own personal challenges to deal with! Nothing happens in a vacuum! So I will give myself today several oh, Honeys. Thank you for your words of wisdom and your heart of love.
There was a shift in the Force on Halloween day. Did you feel it? We’ve got this! 💚